Friday, 09 January 2009

Let me holler, majita, so politely, Voetsek...

Obviously - and oblivious to mundane mediocrity - this is a wicked blog. The writer was given the name Dre Anthrax Ghoul by a respectable acid head called Grumblings that went to work for the Beast in Seattle. Yes, he sold his soul for family, money and fear. Call it the Selfish Gene ad nausea.

It was further popularised by an archaeologist called Mad Van that works for a most obscure bunch of people whose once illustrious history inspired the hip-hop icon called Zulu Nation.
Joining them as Chief Psycho warrior and Propagandist was the Steege, who has become a modern Strandloper. That all happened countless decades ago.

This globblog will grow from within a very trippy garden, inspired by some very trippy friends, all more-or-less midway between (and an hour's drive from) that astonishingly beautiful, very contradictory natural space called the Wild Coast, and the escarpment that gives rise to Lesotho. Its a place where I'll dump many a party tale (hazy and wired), some imagery of the beautiful environment that captivated me long ago, and the occasional angry tweet about some power-crazed ape that thinks politics is the modern breeding ground for reproduction.

You'd be foolish to ever take anything too seriously. Its all a bit tongue in cheek, really. Besides, I'm still growing up. Hola majita.

And its an Up Yours to Fakebook.

Image taken from

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